English translation for "corrosive chemical"
- 腐蚀性化学品
Related Translations:
corrosive: adj.腐蚀(性)的,侵蚀性的。n.腐蚀物,腐蚀剂。 corrosive action 腐蚀作用。 corrosive sublimate 【化学】氯化汞,升汞 -lyadv.
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | They used highly corrosive chemical agents to isolate grains that seemed like they could not possibly have come from the relatively homogenous dusty cloud that gave rise to the solar system 他们用高度腐蚀性的化学制剂分离出被认为是不可能来自与我们的太阳系同源相关的尘云。 | | 2. | This scale has stainless steel mode , which is used stainless steel to make scale . this mode is very suitable for the corrosive chemical material and food safety requirements material 秤体结构改成不锈钢材质后,可以适合于各种腐蚀性化工物料和需要食品安全要求的食品物料的快速定量包装。 | | 3. | This scale has stainless steel mode , which is used stainless steel to make scale . this mode is very suitable for the corrosive chemical material and food safety requirements material 结构改成不锈钢材质制作和特殊的回气装置,可适合于有毒,有腐蚀性的散状物料的大吨位包装,例如:氰化钠等物料。 | | 4. | Iraq ' s procurement efforts include equipment that can filter and separate micro - organisms and toxins involved in biological weapons , equipment that can be used to concentrate the agent , growth media that can be used to continue producing anthrax and botulinum toxin , sterilization equipment for laboratories , glass - lined reactors and specialty pumps that can handle corrosive chemical weapons agents and precursors , large amounts of vinyl chloride , a precursor for nerve and blister agents , and other chemicals such as sodium sulfide , an important mustard agent precursor 伊拉克采购的设备包括可过滤和分离生化武器中微生物和毒素的设备;可用于为炭疽病毒和肉毒(杆)菌病毒集中药剂和生长媒体的设备;实验室杀菌设备;可处理腐蚀性化学武器药剂、前体、乙烯基氯化物(一种神经和水泡药剂)及其他化学药剂(如钠硫化物,芥子气药剂的前体)的玻璃线纹反应堆和专业水泵。 |
- Similar Words:
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